Bubble Tea Originated in Taiwan in early 1980’s
Bubble Tea is kind of soft drink with tea, syrup, and crashed ice shaken in a cocktail shaker created in 1980s’, and the fair bubble floats on the top of tea gave it the name. This refreshing and cool new way of tea tasting became well-known in years and bubble tea bars further replaced juice bars which were previously quite popular in Taiwan. The creator of bubble tea then went on adding tapioca pearls into shaken milk tea and this came to known as “Pearl Milk Tea”. With the fad of this new type of beverage, bubble tea bars popped up all over Taiwan and they quickly became the hottest hangouts for young people and students in 1990’s.

Bubble Tea Bar in Modern Taiwan
Nowadays there are more and more optional flavors open to customers in bubble tea bars. Besides various kinds of tea, there are also many different fruit juices and other soft drinks available, and customers can pay about extra 30 penny choosing one topping such as tapioca pearls, egg puddings, konjac jelly, grass jelly, coffee jelly and chewy things like that for their drink. The busiest time for bubble tea bar is in the summer, yet they are still welcome in the rest of the year cause most drinks could be served hot and they have winter-only special drinks like ginger milk tea, too.
It is sure that among those drinks “Pearl Milk Tea” is always the best loved. It may be difficult for uninitiated to understand its charm. Tapioca pearl is sweet and its mouthfeel is in-between chewing gum and soft sweets. You need to use an extra wide straw to suck them up from the bottom of the cup with milk tea. It is fun to enjoy the drink and most people found it addictive.
In recent years most bubble tea bars evolved into “Instant Bubble Tea Bars”, which means the shop usually has no seats and its products are just for to go. Still, there is one feature makes Taiwan bubble tea bars different from other countries: only those shops in Taiwan use automatic cup-sealing machine instead of traditional lids, a brillant invention in case of people spilling their drink and in the meantime making it easier for them to go.

This Bubble Tea Bar craze based on Taiwan has spread to East Asian, Southeast Asian, and North America; most of them are introduced by overseas Taiwanese. I believe bubble tea will be a "trend" rather than merely a craze in Tea Tasting. Just give it a try and you will see it is too hard not to love it!
Writer: Doris
回覆刪除Editor: Fiona
Reviewer: Apple, Amanda
Organizer: Cherry
One of the reviewers comments that this article is complete to introduce the history of bubble tea.
In addition to some grammatical rules, all editor and reviewers suggest the article should be shorter. They suggest the writer to omit some details and to focus on specific points such as the cultural aspect. The reviewers suggest the writer to focus on how bubble tea becomes so various and also to mention about the spirit and creativity of Taiwanese. Besides, the organizer reminds the writer of the copyright of photos.
[2009/03/26 7:32] Cherry1213 Lemon: "Chinese" way of tea tasting
[2009/03/26 7:32] Dori Yuhara: ok
[2009/03/26 7:33] Fiona Galaxy: turn out to be the national drink
[2009/03/26 7:34] Amandast Dezno: adding tapioca pearls "to" shaken milk tea and
[2009/03/26 7:34] Amandast Dezno: wow that's a great point
[2009/03/26 7:34] Dori Yuhara: turn out doesnt have to link 'to be'
[2009/03/26 7:34] Amandast Dezno: "1990s".
[2009/03/26 7:34] Fiona Galaxy: bubble tea to taiwnanese is what soda and coffee to american=>would b better
[2009/03/26 7:34] Fiona Galaxy: who's organizer?
[2009/03/26 7:35] Amandast Dezno: cherry
[2009/03/26 7:35] Fiona Galaxy: bubble tea is "a "kind of soft drink with tea
[2009/03/26 7:36] Cherry1213 Lemon: ?
[2009/03/26 7:36] Amandast Dezno: in the rest of the year "because" most drinks could
[2009/03/26 7:36] Fiona Galaxy: that means you have to post the transcript of our discussion
[2009/03/26 7:38] Cherry1213 Lemon: you mean i need to post the transcript of discussion for today, is that right
[2009/03/26 7:38] Makong Broono: for this article
[2009/03/26 7:38] Dori Yuhara: sorry fiona i misused the turn out
[2009/03/26 7:39] Cherry1213 Lemon: for the article of Doris,right?
[2009/03/26 7:39] Fiona Galaxy: oh it's ok
[2009/03/26 7:39] Fiona Galaxy: right
[2009/03/26 7:40] Cherry1213 Lemon: "in summer"
[2009/03/26 7:41] Dori Yuhara: ok
[2009/03/26 7:41] Fiona Galaxy: i think you don't have to introduce the cup sealing machine la
[2009/03/26 7:41] Fiona Galaxy: ha
[2009/03/26 7:42] Fiona Galaxy: it's a little bit too much
[2009/03/26 7:42] Dori Yuhara: but my foreign friends told me
[2009/03/26 7:42] Amandast Dezno: before friday night
[2009/03/26 7:42] Dori Yuhara: that;s taiwan only
[2009/03/26 7:42] Fiona Galaxy: but it still depennds on u :-)
[2009/03/26 7:42] Fiona Galaxy: then u should keep it
[2009/03/26 7:42] Fiona Galaxy: OK
[2009/03/26 7:44] Fiona Galaxy: your news is quite long
[2009/03/26 7:44] Cherry1213 Lemon: one feature "which" makes
[2009/03/26 7:44] Dori Yuhara: ya
[2009/03/26 7:45] Makong Broono: i think the content is ok
[2009/03/26 7:45] Cherry1213 Lemon: cup-sealing "machines"
[2009/03/26 7:45] Fiona Galaxy: yeah
[2009/03/26 7:45] Dori Yuhara: ok
[2009/03/26 7:45] Makong Broono: it is very complete to introduce the history of bubble tea
[2009/03/26 7:46] Fiona Galaxy: and btw bubble tea is really super famous among foreigners
[2009/03/26 7:46] Dori Yuhara: so it is long = =
[2009/03/26 7:46] Amandast Dezno: u can omit some details
[2009/03/26 7:46] Fiona Galaxy: ha a little bit too long i think
[2009/03/26 7:46] Cherry1213 Lemon: yeah it is really famous
[2009/03/26 7:46] Dori Yuhara: like what
[2009/03/26 7:46] Dori Yuhara: history?
[2009/03/26 7:47] Amandast Dezno: if u like to focus on culture aspect , then u can delete the part of adding toppings
[2009/03/26 7:47] Makong Broono: or you can focus on modern or original
[2009/03/26 7:48] Dori Yuhara: ok i'll try
[2009/03/26 7:49] Cherry1213 Lemon: The last sentence in The first paragragh below the title "bubble tea bar in modern Taiwan" has some grammatical problems
[2009/03/26 7:49] Fiona Galaxy: i think focus on how it can become so varios is interestif
[2009/03/26 7:49] Fiona Galaxy: i like u say about the addings in drinks
[2009/03/26 7:49] Amandast Dezno: hmm
[2009/03/26 7:50] Amandast Dezno: or u can mention the sprit of Taiwanes in the part of food, if u lke to focus on the culture
[2009/03/26 7:50] Fiona Galaxy: it shows the creativity of taiwanese pople
[2009/03/26 7:50] Fiona Galaxy: yeap
[2009/03/26 7:50] Fiona Galaxy: CREATIVITY!!!
[2009/03/26 7:51] Dori Yuhara: fiona you're over-excited
[2009/03/26 7:51] Amandast Dezno: maybe that's why we created bubble tea and made it so different
[2009/03/26 7:51] Fiona Galaxy: YEAP
[2009/03/26 7:51] Fiona Galaxy: HAHAH
[2009/03/26 7:51] Dori Yuhara: got it
[2009/03/26 7:51] Cherry1213 Lemon: yeah u can also focus on the pearl stuff; foreigners really don't have ideas what it is made of
[2009/03/26 7:52] Dori Yuhara: it seems my news would only go longer = =
[2009/03/26 7:52] Amandast Dezno: hahahahahahahahaah
[2009/03/26 7:52] Amandast Dezno: so just pick up some points
[2009/03/26 7:53] Dori Yuhara: ok thanks u guys
[2009/03/26 7:53] Cherry1213 Lemon: and also don't forget about the copyright of the photos
[2009/03/26 7:53] Fiona Galaxy: UM HUM
[2009/03/26 7:54] Dori Yuhara: ok
[2009/03/26 7:54] Makong Broono: 你可以去搜尋一篇新聞
[2009/03/26 7:54] Makong Broono: 台中的一間珍奶
[2009/03/26 7:54] Makong Broono: 他研發七彩珍珠
[2009/03/26 7:54] Makong Broono: 例如有紫色珍珠
[2009/03/26 7:55] Makong Broono: 是芋頭口味的
[2009/03/26 7:55] Makong Broono: 還有很多口味啦
[2009/03/26 7:55] Makong Broono: 你可以找找看那篇新聞