‘Gossip girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan’s elite’, this is the most familiar opening remarks to all gossip girl fans, yet it seems that now for those fans who are second life users get another access to their favorite celebrities. As one of the most popular U.S. TV series, having numerous fans all over the world, Gossip Girl even becomes one of the hot spots in second life. Let’s be a happy idolater and have a look at this fantastic virtual GG city.
Walk on the street and follow the road sign, exploring each charact
er’s house will bring you a lot of fun. Take a look at Serena’s dressing room, and you will no longer be surprised at her changeable glamorous outfits. Nate the price-like boy is so adorable that a huge personal profile poster which is not seen in other actors’ houses hang on the wall of his living room.

Want to know other GG fans on second life? The hotel where Chuck lives always gathering GG fans there though this day have not any events. If you get a little bit tired, feel free to sit on the stairway where Queen Blaire usually occupies having lunch with her following girls. Besides those leading roles’ houses, Rufus’s gallery and the park where many scenes happened are also worth watching.
If you think sightseeing is all you can get from Gossip Girl in second life then you are totally wrong. They have regular events every week, to get related information you can visit their website (http://www.cwtv.com/thecw/gossipgirl-uppereastside) or pick the note card at Chuck’s hotel. Reform yourself in those fashionable shops on GG streets and join these events held by the beau monde, you may have a chance run into Queen B in dancing parties or drinking cocktail with Nate on Sunday night.

Can’t wait to see it? The fabulous upper east side of Gossip in second life!
Reviewer: Cherry
回覆刪除Editor: Amanda
Reporter& Organizer: Doris
Cherry told Doris some grammar problems about the context. Amanda thinks the layout is not easy to read. Cherry and Amanda both found some misspelling about the wording, but they two also thought the content is interesting. Since three of them all have seen Gossip Girl so this article is understandable for them.
[2009/04/19 7:28] IM: Cherry1213 Lemon: i'm considering the title
[2009/04/19 7:29] IM: Cherry1213 Lemon: it is not grammatical right
[2009/04/19 7:29] Dori Yuhara: ok i 'll see it later
[2009/04/19 7:30] Dori Yuhara: any suggestion about the article?
[2009/04/19 7:32] Amandast Dezno: the first thing is the layout
[2009/04/19 7:33] Dori Yuhara: what about that
[2009/04/19 7:33] Cherry1213 Lemon: the sentence in the last two paragrapg has grammatical problems
[2009/04/19 7:33] Dori Yuhara: I know it's not very clear
[2009/04/19 7:33] Amandast Dezno: it's sort of not easy too read
[2009/04/19 7:34] Dori Yuhara: you mean the order?
[2009/04/19 7:34] Dori Yuhara: ok cherry I will check them later
[2009/04/19 7:35] Cherry1213 Lemon: Can not "wair" anymore <--what do u wanna express?
[2009/04/19 7:35] Dori Yuhara: wait
[2009/04/19 7:35] Cherry1213 Lemon: oh i see haha
[2009/04/19 7:35] Dori Yuhara: typing error
[2009/04/19 7:35] Amandast Dezno: Nate, the price-like boy ,
[2009/04/19 7:36] Amandast Dezno: actually what did u mean by price-like?
[2009/04/19 7:36] Dori Yuhara: like a price
[2009/04/19 7:36] Cherry1213 Lemon: prince-like
[2009/04/19 7:36] Amandast Dezno: ok i see
[2009/04/19 7:36] Cherry1213 Lemon: haha i thought u wanna say prince-like
[2009/04/19 7:36] Dori Yuhara: personal feeling
[2009/04/19 7:37] Cherry1213 Lemon: cuz he is like a prince
[2009/04/19 7:37] Dori Yuhara: hahha i am a idiot
[2009/04/19 7:37] Dori Yuhara: spelling error
[2009/04/19 7:37] Cherry1213 Lemon: lol
[2009/04/19 7:37] Amandast Dezno: = =
[2009/04/19 7:38] Dori Yuhara: I should have checked it twice
[2009/04/19 7:38] Amandast Dezno: a chance to run into
[2009/04/19 7:38] Dori Yuhara: ok
[2009/04/19 7:39] Amandast Dezno: the content is quite interesting
[2009/04/19 7:39] Dori Yuhara: thanks
[2009/04/19 7:40] Amandast Dezno: i think all of the fans cant wait to visit
[2009/04/19 7:43] Dori Yuhara: have u seen gossip girl?
[2009/04/19 7:43] Cherry1213 Lemon: yes!!!
[2009/04/19 7:43] Cherry1213 Lemon: i watched them all haha
[2009/04/19 7:43] Cherry1213 Lemon: in on week
[2009/04/19 7:44] Dori Yuhara: hahaha then you two can understand my news
[2009/04/19 7:44] Dori Yuhara: that's good
[2009/04/19 7:44] Dori Yuhara: any other suggestion about the article?
[2009/04/19 7:44] Cherry1213 Lemon: what do u mean --> favorite "rities"
[2009/04/19 7:45] Dori Yuhara: celebrities
[2009/04/19 7:45] Dori Yuhara: should be some problems during posting
[2009/04/19 7:45] Cherry1213 Lemon: mm i see
[2009/04/19 7:46] Dori Yuhara: thanks for pointing it out
[2009/04/19 7:46] Cherry1213 Lemon: i think ur news is good just check some spelling and grammatical errors
[2009/04/19 7:46] Dori Yuhara: ok!
[2009/04/19 7:47] Dori Yuhara: has amanda something to say?
[2009/04/19 7:47] Cherry1213 Lemon: so r we done?
[2009/04/19 7:47] Dori Yuhara: i guess so