Eating popcorns and watching films with friends is also an enjoyable entertainment possible in SL!
There are many kinds of theater out there; Drive-in Theater, Home Theater, and special ‘Action’ theater are available! Most of them are free of charge. The very thing you will have to do is getting Quick Time settled on your computer, and do not forget to check out the audio & video preferences are in the right condition.

Pick a comfortable seat and sit down with popcorn on your right hand, soda on your left hand, when you are ready, click on the screen and follow the steps you can spend a great time. If there are some specific movies you would like to see, you can look for them among different theaters for every theater has its own movie schedule and videos. You can also buy new films in the shop if you are not interested in those free but old films.

Oh! And do not scare yourself seeing people having sex in their seats if the movie in theater now is a specially ‘Action’ Film.
Writer: Doris
回覆刪除Editor: Cherry
Reader: Fiona
Organizer: Amanda
The article is somewhat too short. If you can add some more contents, that would be great. Instead of using “action movie”, you can also choose the word “porn” to represent “real action movie”, like the picture on the right bottom. Even if the article is too short, the content is precise and the title fits, too.
[23:15] Dori Yuhara: i can be the fisrt, my news is super short
[23:15] Dori Yuhara: fiona could u post the news title this time?
[23:15] Fiona Galaxy: ok
[23:15] Dori Yuhara: thanks
[23:16] Dori Yuhara: http://doriakanishi.blogspot.com/
[23:16] Dori Yuhara: it's very short
[23:16] Dori Yuhara: i dont know what to write
[23:17] Fiona Galaxy: u got to tell me later how to get those dress and shoes!
[23:17] Fiona Galaxy: hahah
[23:17] Dori Yuhara: let's decide our roles this time
[23:17] Dori Yuhara: no problem
[23:17] Dori Yuhara: so which roles are u gonna play
[23:18] Cherry1213 Lemon: i'll be editor
[23:18] Fiona Galaxy: reader
[23:18] Dori Yuhara: ok so amanda is organizer
[23:18] Amandast Dezno: ok
[23:18] Amandast Dezno: many kinds of theater"s"
[23:18] Dori Yuhara: do u need me to send the link again?
[23:18] Dori Yuhara: ok
[23:19] Dori Yuhara: i finished it just in time = = it was a tragedy
[23:19] Dori Yuhara: it's hard to find a topic to write
[23:19] yang75 Anton is Online
[23:20] Fiona Galaxy: hahahaha it is short
[23:20] Fiona Galaxy: hahaha
[23:20] Dori Yuhara: i found some grammar problems my self after i took a second look = =
[23:21] Amandast Dezno: is it a porn or something on the right bottom
[23:21] Dori Yuhara: do u have siggestions?
[23:21] Dori Yuhara: what?
[23:21] Amandast Dezno: the movie i meant
[23:21] Fiona Galaxy: oh but you use "action "movie
[23:21] Dori Yuhara: porn?
[23:21] Fiona Galaxy: but maybe you should still point out there's porn
[23:21] Dori Yuhara: cause the theater did use that term
[23:22] Fiona Galaxy: hahahahhahahaha
[23:22] Dori Yuhara: what do u mean by porn?
[23:22] Amandast Dezno: the man trys hard to such the woman's chin
[23:22] Dori Yuhara: haha
[23:22] Amandast Dezno: pornography
[23:22] Cherry1213 Lemon: lol
[23:23] Dori Yuhara: og, ok
[23:23] Dori Yuhara: i will revise that
[23:23] Fiona Galaxy: i mean you could still use 'porn' this word in your artical instead of just call it 'action movit' l~
[23:23] Dori Yuhara: ok
[23:23] Dori Yuhara: good i will correct them
[23:23] Cherry1213 Lemon: the article is a little short maybe u can make it longer
[23:24] Fiona Galaxy: ha but i like it
[23:24] Fiona Galaxy: it's like it's just a easy short piece
[23:24] Jacqueline Maven is Online
[23:24] Dori Yuhara: ya i've tried my best
[23:24] Dori Yuhara: but i'll try harder if i can later
[23:24] Fiona Galaxy: u have get to the point la
[23:25] Dori Yuhara: ok
[23:25] Dori Yuhara: but i don't know what to write more about that
[23:25] Jacqueline Maven is Offline
[23:25] Dori Yuhara: what do u think
[23:25] Dori Yuhara: or it is a wrong topic?
[23:26] Fiona Galaxy: i think it's a good topic
[23:26] Jacqueline Maven is Online
[23:26] Dori Yuhara: ok, then i'll find out something more to add
[23:26] Dori Yuhara: if i can
[23:26] Cherry1213 Lemon: :)
[23:27] Dori Yuhara: so r we done